balloon_sinuplasty_benefitsBalloon sinuplasty is an innovative procedure, which is relatively new and is designed to relieve the pain and pressure associated with chronic sinusitis. Doctors may recommend balloon sinuplasty for patients who are not responding to medications, such as antibiotics or nasal steroids, prescribed to treat symptoms of sinusitis. Balloon sinuplasty gives surgeons the ability to open up inflamed sinuses in a far less invasive manner than traditional sinus surgery.

What is Balloon Sinuplasty?

Balloon sinuplasty uses a system of FDA-cleared, catheter-based instruments to open up an individual’s blocked sinuses. Think of it as a procedure similar to how angioplasty uses a balloon to open blocked arteries for heart patients. During balloon sinuplasty, a specially-designed catheter is inserted into the nose in order to reach the inflamed sinus cavity. Once in place, a small balloon is inflated, which works to widen and restructure the walls of the sinus passage. The idea behind this is that the mucus will then drain from the blocked sinus, encouraging the restoration of normal sinus drainage without any invasive cutting.

Benefits of Balloon Sinuplasty

Unlike conventional sinus surgery, balloon sinuplasty does not require any cutting to remove bone or tissue from the nose. The benefits of this procedure include the following:

  • Safe – Since it was introduced in 2005, hundreds of thousands of patients have been treated safely and effectively with balloon sinuplasty
  • Does not require General Anesthesia – Unlike other medical procedures, balloon sinuplasty does not require general anesthesia and can be conducted in a clinic
  • Quick Recovery – Many patients report being able to return to work and daily activity within one day of undergoing the procedure
  • Effective – The majority of patients report a significant improvement in sinus symptoms and overall quality of life

Who Could Benefit from the Procedure?

Individuals who have been diagnosed with chronic sinusitis or have experienced sinus problems with no relief may be a candidate for balloon sinuplasty. Additionally, those who are not responding well to traditional medications may benefit from this procedure.

Here at Central Park ENT, our specialists are highly trained and qualified to treat sinusitis with this procedure. If you have any questions regarding balloon sinuplasty or would like to set up an appointment with one of our ENT doctors in Arlington, Dallas or Fort Worth, please do not hesitate to contact us today.