5_unhealthy_habits_hearing_lossBelieve it or not, adopting healthy lifestyle habits are important to your hearing health as well as the overall health of your body. Numerous studies have been conducted that show the correlation between hearing loss and health issues, which is why it is important to educate yourself on these very topics. Here at Central Park ENT, our knowledgeable doctors are committed to helping each and every patient achieve their optimum hearing health, and this begins with education. Today we will go over some of the top unhealthy habits that can harm your hearing and leave you with lasting, permanent damage. If you have any questions about the information below or would like to set up an appointment with one of our Dallas ENT doctors to go over your hearing health, please contact us today.

Here is a brief look at five unhealthy habits that can negatively affect your hearing and cause permanent damage:

  1. Ignoring the Signs. One of the biggest mistakes people make in terms of their hearing health is not seeing a doctor on a regular basis. Visiting your doctor consistently will allow your physician to keep track of your hearing health and overall health. Over time they may be able to see if your hearing is starting to go and if you therefore need a particular treatment. With this, it is important that you do not ignore the signs of hearing loss. If you begin to notice you are having trouble following conversations or seem to be turning the TV up louder than normal, please see an audiologist.

  3. Smoking is one of the worst habits you can have that will affect your hearing. Chemicals produced by smoking a cigarette may inhibit the ability of your inner ears to transmit vibrations, resulting in hearing loss. The more you smoke, the more irreversible damage is caused.
  1. Lack of Exercise. Living a sedentary lifestyle can put you at risk for obesity and other dangerous health problems, including diabetes and circulatory trouble, both of which have been linked to hearing loss. People who eat bad foods and do little in terms of exercise may be at risk of developing poor circulation, which cuts off the ears and brain from the nutrients they need to ensure complete hearing occurs.
  1. Too Many Loud Noises. One of the most common causes of hearing loss and a bad habit many people have is being exposed to too many loud noises. This includes attending a loud concert, not wearing ear protection at a job site, or listening to your iPod too loudly. Regardless of the cause, constantly bombarding your ears with loud noises may result in permanent hearing loss due to trauma of the ears.
  1. Using Cotton Swabs. Lastly, using cotton swabs to clean out your ears can be extremely abrasive and result in serious damage that may eventually cause hearing loss. Cotton swabs can hurt the tender skin of the ear canal, resulting in bleeding that may create blood clots that can block hearing.

While it is true that many people lose their hearing as a result of getting older, there are also a handful of bad habits that can speed up the process. By making an effort to take care of your body, see your doctor on a regular basis, and make smart lifestyle choices, you will be doing your ears and your hearing a favor. The audiologists at Central Park ENT can help you improve your hearing and your quality of life. For a consultation with one of our specialists, contact us today.