Healthy_tips_to_prevent_hearing_lossHearing loss is extremely common, especially in older adults. However, the perception that hearing loss is only caused by aging is inaccurate. In some cases, this hearing loss could have been prevented by adopting healthier habits or changing certain lifestyles. There are also numerous diseases and conditions that can contribute to hearing loss that can be treated in order to keep this from happening.

With the start of a new year, we thought it would be a good time to encourage people to fight hearing loss and improve and protect their hearing in any way they can. Here at Central Park ENT, our knowledgeable team of doctors are committed to educating people throughout Texas about what can be done in order to prevent hearing loss. It can be difficult for those without hearing loss to imagine the impact it can have on quality of life, which is why we are taking the time to raise awareness about this very subject.

While you have healthy hearing, do your best to protect your ears by changing certain habits and being proactive with how you treat your ears and body in general. Here are a few healthy habits that will help you fight hearing loss at an early age:

  • Protect your ears when listening to music. While using earplugs, over-the-ear earmuffs or even from stereo speakers, turn down the volume, and limit the periods of exposure to noise
  • Eat healthy and exercise. Hearing loss is twice as common in people with diabetes, which is why it is important for you to eat healthy, exercise daily, and pay attention to your weight
  • Quit smoking. Smoking is a risk factor for hearing loss, and this includes second-hand smoke. Studies have shown that smoking, age, and noise exposure together increase the risk of hearing loss more than each of these factors on their own
  • Keep your heart healthy. Cardiovascular health and hearing health are connected, which is yet another reason why exercise and healthy eating habits are encouraged
  • Do not use Q-tips in your ears. Earwax works to clean and lubricate the skin of the ear canal, providing protection from bacteria, fungi, insects, and water. Swabbing the inside of your ear canals can cause auditory damage and lead to hearing loss
  • Know the signs of hearing loss. Make an appointment with your Dallas ENT doctor and go over the signs of hearing loss. If you know what some of the main symptoms of hearing loss are, you may be more likely to have your ears checked and address hearing loss at an early stage

There are many different causes of hearing loss, some of which can be prevented by adopting healthy habits and making specific lifestyle changes. To learn more about hearing loss and how you can protect your ears, please contact Central Park ENT today. Our audiologists are available in Dallas, Fort Worth and Arlington so feel free to visit us.