eating_habits_that_prevent_hearing_lossThere are many different ways to maintain healthy hearing and prevent hearing loss, some of which are as simple as a change in lifestyle or diet. From protecting your ears from dangerous levels of noise exposure to doing everything you can to keep ear infections at bay, it is important for you to take the necessary steps to protect your ears, regardless of your age. While most people are aware of certain actions that can be taken to protect our sensitive ears, it may come as a surprise that your diet may actually affect your hearing.

There are certain foods you can eat that will help protect your ears, prevent hearing loss, and stop the progression of any loss that is already setting in. Combined with a healthy lifestyle that includes plenty of exercise, a balanced diet can actually make a huge difference when it comes to protecting your ears and keeping them healthy and fresh. As a leading Dallas ear clinic, we make it a point to give our clients all the necessary tools and advice to keep their ears healthy and prevent their need for hearing devices or surgery.

What you eat can impact how well you hear, which is why we thought it would be helpful to take a look at some of the best foods for your ears. So next time you head to the grocery store and start planning your meals for the week, look for foods that are rich with the following important vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and nutrients:

  • Potassium. As we get older, our potassium levels decrease. Our ears are particularly susceptible to this drop, as potassium plays an important role in the way cells interact with the inner ear. Foods rich in potassium – like bananas, apricots, melons, oranges, and spinach – can help protect you against age-related hearing loss.
  • Folate. This type of vitamin B has been known to prevent birth defects for years, and it has also been shown to lower the risk or slow the development of age-related hearing loss. Foods that are rich in folate include broccoli, asparagus, spinach, lentils, beans, and avocado.
  • Vitamin C and E. These vitamins act as antioxidants and work to protect cells from free radical damage. Vitamin E energizes the blood vessels and nerves around the ear, whereas Vitamin C boosts overall immune function to keep ear infections away. Look for citrus fruits, fresh herbs, guava, strawberries, almonds, sunflower seeds, leafy greens, mangoes, and olive oil.
  • Omega 3 Fatty Acids. These are the healthy fats that can be found in many seeds, grains, beans, and oils. They work by reducing inflammation that can damage sensitive tissues and have also been linked to the prevention of age-related hearing loss. Omega 3 rich foods include chia seeds, flaxseed, walnuts, beans, olive oil, and coconut oil.
  • Magnesium. This mineral has many wonderful functions that benefit all different parts of the body, including the ears. It helps use deal with stress and has also been shown to ease hearing sensitivities, reduce tinnitus, and stop hearing loss. Foods rich in magnesium include almonds, brown rice, leafy greens, artichokes, barley, beans, and pumpkin seeds.

Adopting smart eating practices that will benefit your ears isn’t difficult, as there are many different kinds of food that are full of minerals, nutrients, and vitamins that are great for your ears and overall wellness. To learn more about how to prevent hearing loss or to meet with one of our Dallas audiologists, please do not hesitate to contact our clinic.